Morven McLeod
“At RCS you meet such a warm community of like-minded people, where you feel nothing but support from the staff and your fellow students. It has this creative buzz; it’s an environment that you can’t find anywhere else, and you’re given every opportunity to showcase yourself and your talents.
“As a designer, it’s an amazing experience – you receive teaching on dramatic history and theory which informs and enhances your practical teaching. Getting to experience your designs come to life on stage so early in your career is such a magical moment.”
– Morven McLeod
Course: BA Production Arts and Design, 2022
Morven is a freelance Set and Costume Designer based in Glasgow, who works in both theatre and film. She graduated from the Production Arts and Design course in 2022, and since then has been involved in all manner of projects as a Design Assistant, Production Designer, Associate Designer, and Studio Assistant.
Her theatre credits include Muster Station: Leith (Grid Iron), Lost in Music (Magnetic North), and film credits include Floored (Napier Screen Academy), Hugh (GMAC), and Mouth (Little Pictures).
Morven’s Links:
Image Gallery
Photography Credits
Slides 1 & 4 – Stuart Baker
Slides 2 & 3 – Laurie Corewyn
Slide 5 & 6 – Eilish Adair