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Through Engagement, we develop the Conservatoire’s relationship with the wider world.

What We Do

At RCS, Engagement stands alongside Education and Research as a cornerstone of our mission. Engagement is how we share our specialist knowledge and expertise with audiences, learners, businesses and communities beyond the Conservatoire, for wider social, cultural and economic benefit.

We support and celebrate all the big, small, formal and informal ways our engaged practitioners contribute to the development of our sector and communities.

Leading engagement development activity across the Conservatoire, the Engagement Team offers strategic direction and support to RCS staff, students and graduates through focused initiatives and programmes. We empower our community of artists and makers to pursue, develop and scale impactful projects through targeted funding, awards, mentorship, and training. We support company start-up and commercialisation, inspire new collaborations and innovative thinking, and work closely with colleagues from all areas of the institution to drive public engagement initiatives.

Setting up new pathways for success and impact, our engagement work focuses on three main areas of delivery: Creative Enterprise, Innovation, and Public Engagement, each underpinned by targeted funding and support.

Areas of Work

A ballerina holds a tambourine above her head in the Gleneagles ballroom.

To further strengthen the Conservatoire’s economic and social impact, we recognise the importance of building a strong engagement culture and infrastructure that bridges disciplines, practices and expertise to create positive change for our art forms and across society.

Beyond the Conservatoire, our connections and relationships with the world are rooted locally and extend internationally, with artists and arts organisations, creative companies, local and national government, national and international agencies, businesses, institutions and networks.

We are curious and love to explore new ways of working from one-off micro-projects with individuals to large-scale multi-partner initiatives across a number of years.

Latest Engagement News

News & Stories

Meet the Staff

  • Professor Stephen Broad

    Director of Research & Knowledge Exchange

  • Deborah Keogh

    Head of Engagement

  • Professor Celia Duffy

    Senior Knowledge Exchange Fellow

  • Stephanie Edwards

    Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Officer

  • Gallia Young

    Research & Knowledge Exchange Development Assistant

  • Verena Henn

    Impact Officer (Enterprise and Innovation)

  • Lisa Williams

    Impact Officer (Research and Public Engagement)

  • Pete Sykes

    Research and Knowledge Exchange Administrator

  • Shilpa T-Hyland

    Exchange Talks Coordinator

Contact Us

Engagement at the Conservatoire reflects a basic artistic impetus: to make a difference. For enquiries, please email