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The Royal Conservatoire of Scotland presents

Exchange Talk: Art and Health - Comedy and Mental Health

Dieter Declercq, Dave Chawner and Cat Papastavrou-Brooks


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Exchange Talks: Art and Health

Dieter Declercq, Dave Chawner and Cat Papastavrou-Brooks – Comedy and Mental Health

This panel discussion will explore research and practice around comedy and mental health. We will be joined by Dr Dieter Declercq, a researcher in media and mental health, Dave Chawner, a stand-up comedian with lived experience of anorexia, and Cat Papastavrou-Brooks, an NHS mental health researcher. They will talk about research they have developed together on comedy and mental health, especially a stand-up comedy workshop for people in recovery from eating disorders. They are currently writing a book together on comedy and mental health (forthcoming with Emerald in 2026) and will reflect on the importance of setting up collaboration across academia, artistic practice and healthcare to advance the uses of comedy for mental health.


Dr Dieter Declercq is Lecturer in Medical Humanities (Narrative Medicine) at the University of Glasgow, where he teaches on the Film and Television programme. His work seeks to foster fruitful interaction between arts, humanities, and health. He has a particular interest in playful media, like satire, comedy and games.

Dave Chawner is a number 1 best selling author, award-winning stand up and presenter. Sensitively using humour to explore his experience of mental illness Dave aims to change the tone around mental health.

Cat Papastavrou-Brooks is a mental health researcher working across Sussex Partnership NHS foundation trust and the University of Bristol. She specializes in creative approaches to mental health, eating disorders, trauma, iatrogenic harm and public health.

Runtime: 60 mins

This is an online event.