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Fields of Performance: not so hard to imagine
Part of Fields of Performance
Contemporary Music And Performance
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Please note, this performance is durational and attendees can come and go over the performance 2 hour time slot.
Any previously issued tickets won’t guarantee entry at the originally advertised time as capacity will be managed based on when people enter and leave.
Romi Sarfaty
If we hadn’t taught ourselves that death is so horrible,
we would have not used it to hurt each other.
Maybe there’s still a chance to say: Oh! it’s not epic, it’s simple.
I’m trying to elicit a change in my memory, but they keep shooting.
We’re all so scared by our unoriginality and equal importance.
I’m so ashamed to be so defensive and alert all the time.
I should probably admit that I’ve known so much violence.
I’m sorry.
Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait! Wait!
Don’t go,
I’m bleeding.
Do you want to take a picture?
not so hard to imagine, is an experimental durational performance that examines the notion of violence, our obsession with it, and the stagnant shame it infects. An attempt to collect all the memories of violence one body has been exposed to, to understand whether it’s destined for it, or can it birth something different.
Runtime: 2 hours
Photo credit: Romi Sarfaty
Trigger warnings: themes of violence.
Suitable for an 18+ Audience
Note* This is a durational piece, and the audience is invited to come and leave whenever they wish within this time window.